Our services include Facial & Skin Treatments, Anti-Aging and Cocooning Face Treatments, Acne, Scar and Medi-Specific Treatments, as well as Ion Cleanse Detoxification. Book a 10 minute FREE chat by phone to decide which treatment is appropriate for you.
Facial & Skin Care Treatments
The visual aspect of the face and its tiredness, portrays as one sees oneself is the first sign of where one has neglected one’s health and a balanced life style.
Considering a facial treatment on a monthly basis as a routine or weekly as needed for treatment encourages to care for the skin, as it balances, rejuvenates, regenerates, and most vitally it makes one feel good and look good as it encourages a sense of wellbeing.
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Acne & Scar Treatments
Acne is an inflammatory condition of the sebaceous gland and hair follicles, especially of the facial skin. The two forms are Acne Vulgaris and Acne Rosecea. If you suffer from acne there are ways that treatments can encourage healing. Treatment encourages the skin to heal and promote well-being.
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Anti-Aging Treatments
The demands of living in this present era of the 21stcentury, the stress, long hours of work which includes commute, environmental exposure, demands of one’s task, meals on the run, family and social demands, causing great stress and an unbalanced lifestyle which indirectly impacts the human body. This causes an imbalance to the human being and encourages aging.
With new research in cosmetology, skin care, products and treatments, aim has been set to bring desired results to the skin as well as to make it an holistic treatment.
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Ion Cleanse Detoxification
Detoxification includes getting rid of the actual physical pollutants such as toxic metals, harmful industrial chemicals, parasitic disease organisms, dead cellular material and ordinary bodily waste products. It Is a process to detoxify the body to get rid of the toxins through an Ion cleanse footbath.
Please enquire contraindications for to the detox treatment.
Make an Appointment
Our appointments range from 50 to 90 minutes in length depending on the treatment.
Appointments can be booked for weekdays from 11:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.
Please complete the email form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We can also be reached by phone at 416-562-9149.